Let's Catch Up

I hesitated writing this blog at all - because honestly, in hindsight, the fire that nearly destroyed my business, ruined my home, and shook my family for over a year now seems a bit… well, incidental. We’re here. We’re healthy. And honestly, right now that’s all that matters to me.

We’re all picking up the pieces and figuring out what our new normal is in a world with COVID-19. I know, now more than ever, that I want my new normal to include my once-thriving business. After a year of receiving emails and messages from mamas wondering when they can get more Curasalve products, I’ve hit the ground running to start production and re-launch my business. But, why did we stop in the first place? I’ll keep it short and sweet: 

Last year my home, aka Curasalve Headquarters was destroyed by a neighbor’s house fire. Super Bowl Weekend, my husband and I made plans to visit friends and family - he went to enjoy the game with a few buddies and I took the baby (and my growing belly!) to see my mom out of town. 

While we were gone, we received the news that a neighbor’s home, nestled closely to ours as most DC row houses are, caught fire. Smoke and flames destroyed a cluster of houses near ours - smoke damage being what took our home to a total loss. It shakes me to my core to consider that the smoke seeped into what would have been my daughter’s bedroom while she would have been sleeping if we were home! 

We are endlessly thankful that no one was hurt as a result of this Super Bowl Weekend tragedy, and just material items were lost! Now, after the birth of my son David, and a year of negotiating with contractors and insurance companies, I’m ready emotionally and financially to start again. With the support of so many of you incredible mamas who have experienced similar losses, I’ve been given the courage to open my doors and heart to re-launch Curasalve and focus on something positive after a year of struggle! 

I’m sharing this short story not as a plea for sympathy, as I fully feel that God’s watchful eye has kept all that’s truly important safe during this time, but as an explanation of where we’ve been this year. I’m choosing to move forward amidst COVID-19 and locking arms with mamas everywhere to continue to accept nothing less than the safest, cleanest, and best for my kids. I want to hear what you’ve been up to this year? How have you grown, changed, and what products have you swapped out for healthier options? 

We have so much catching up to do! 

Safe & Healthy Wishes!


  • Kelley 
Tags: news, update

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